Local Laws and OrdinancesAnn Arbor, MI
Ypsilanti, MI [Please note: While the City of Ypsilanti allows residential beekeeping, Ypsilanti Township currently DOES NOT!] |
Do You Have a Bee Problem?Click here to learn about identifying if it's bees or wasps and then how to get help. |
Helpful Links
American Apitherapy Society – The American Apitherapy Society offers and shares information to educate those of you who seek an alternative form of health care referred to as Apitherapy. Apitherapy encompasses the use of bee hive products including honey, pollen, propolis, royal jelly and bee venom.
American Association of Professional Apiculturists (AAPA) – An organization consisting of professors, state apiarists, scientists and students who all study and work with honey bees (Apis mellifera).
American Bee Journal – The American Bee Journal was established in 1861 by Samuel Wagner and has been published continuously since that time, except for a brief period during the Civil War. The Journal has the honor of being the oldest English language beekeeping publication in the world.
American Beekeeping Federation – The American Beekeeping Federation (ABF) will act on behalf of the beekeeping industry on issues affecting the interests and the economic viability of the various sectors of the industry.
American Honey Producers Association (AHPA) - Organization dedicated to promoting the common interest and general welfare of the American Honey Producer. Current industry news, membership information, convention schedules, and contact information.
Animal Diversity Web: Apis mellifera – Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan. This page includes detailed information on honeybees.
Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) - Beekeeping laws and regulations. Inspection services.
Bee Informed – The Bee Informed Partnership is a collaboration of efforts across the country from some of the leading research labs and universities in agriculture and science to better understand honey bee declines in the United States. Supported by the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Beekeeping Calendar: https://pollinator.cals.cornell.edu/sites/pollinator.cals.cornell.edu/files/shared/documents/Beekeeping%20Calendar%20for%20the%20Northeast.pdf
Beekeeping Therapy for Seniors and Veterans: A summary of the possible benefits of beekeeping to seniors and veterans and a list of available programs.
Bee Source – The Bee Source Beekeeping website was started in 1997 by a hobbyist beekeeper and became an online community in 1999. Today, Beesource.com has over 14,000 registered members and is the most active online beekeeping community of its kind in the world.
eXtension: Bee Health – eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the best land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge consumers with knowledge providers.
Garden Web Beekeeping Forum – GardenWeb is the Internet's largest home and garden community. This forum is for the discussion of bees and their roles as pollinators and honey producers.
Heartland Apicultural Society – Heartland Apicultural Society was founded in 2001 by Tom Webster (Researcher, Kentucky State University) Greg Hunt (Entomology, Purdue University), and Zachary Huang (Entomology, Michigan State University).
Honey Bee Health Coalition (HBHC) - Amazing resource for Varroa management, foulbrood management, and beekeeping best practice guidelines. "Agricultural stakeholders working together to improve bee health."
Honey Bee Suite – The word “suite” often refers to a collection of closely related items: a series of rooms, a set of orchestral pieces, or a collection of software. This suite will center on bees, mostly – but not exclusively – honey bees, and the issues that are currently affecting their survival.
Honey Extracting Services – offered by club member Nola Klink.
Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium (HBVC) - Place to find a bee vet. Resources for veterinarians interested in working with bees.
Local Honey – Michigan Beekeepers Association offers a clickable "Honey Finder" map here.
Matthaei Botanical Gardens – Matthaei Botanical Gardens is located in northeast Ann Arbor at 1800 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor MI 48105. Here you’ll find the conservatory; gift shop; classroom and meeting spaces; display gardens; and many trails and natural areas. The Botanical Gardens are free and open 7 days a week.
Michigan Beekeepers Association – The oldest continually operating honey bee organization in the country, started in 1865. Our missions are to promote the honey bees to the general public, to help one another in maintaining healthy honey bees, and to encourage more research on honey bees.
Michigan Honey Festival – Our purpose as a nonprofit organization will be to educate the public about the role that the honeybee plays in our own existence. This is achieved through programs made available to the public with emphasis on educational programs starting at the elementary level and working with seminars, hands on demonstrations, through electronic media & a yearly Honey Festival.
Michigan Pollinator Initiative – The Michigan Pollinator Initiative (MPI) addresses current and future issues related to bees, other pollinators, and pollination in Michigan. Its mission is to develop a coordinated research, education, extension, and policy driven effort to address priority issues related to pollinators and pollination. The MPI works in pursuit of research-based solutions for beekeepers, growers, land managers, and policy makers to promote economic vitality and ecological stability.
Michigan Pollinator Initiative: Michigan Beekeeping Rules and Regulations – Before keeping bees it is important to know all the rules and regulations so that your apiary can run smoothly and the health of your bees and your neighbors are protected. This article outlines rules, regulations, and recommendations for keeping bees in Michigan, updated for 2016. Please check regulations often, as many are updated every year.
New York Bee Wellness – We are an educational organization whose mission is to educate new, beginning, and small scale beekeepers and others interested in honeybees and beekeeping, in honey bee disease recognition, and to provide services and information for beekeepers and the general public on maintaining healthy honey bee colonies in New York and the surrounding region.
Northern Bee Network – An organization designed to support beekeepers in the northern states by promoting collaboration between beekeepers and by providing resources for more sustainable beekeeping.
Ohio State University Bee Lab – A research and education facility on the OARDC campus in Wooster. Our program is dedicated to bee research and outreach on topics related to honey bees and wild bees. Features free monthly webinars on various bee-related topics.
Ontario Beekeepers Association – We work to ensure a thriving and sustainable beekeeping industry in Ontario. To this end, we advocate for beekeepers’ interests, support honey bee health research and deliver practical training and information.
Pollinator Partnership – The Pollinator Partnership is the largest organization in the world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems.
Project Apis M – Project Apis M’s mission is to fund and direct research to enhance the health and vitality of honey bee colonies while improving crop production.
Southeast Michigan Beekeepers Association – SEMBA's mission is to help disseminate the latest information and improved methods of beekeeping; to promote fellowship and cooperation among beekeepers; to cultivate a friendly relationship between honey producers and consumers; and to assist, whenever possible, the Michigan Beekeepers' Association, the Michigan Department of Agriculture, the Michigan State University Department of Entomology, and other local, state and national beekeeping organizations.
Swarm Removal – Michigan Beekeepers Association offers a clickable map of individuals offering swarm removal services here.
True Source Honey – True Source Honey, LLC is an effort by a number of honey companies and importers to call attention to the problem of illegally sourced honey; to encourage action to protect consumers and customers from these practices; and to highlight and support legal, transparent and ethical sourcing.
University of Minnesota Bee Lab – Bees fascinate and inspire. Bee research fosters creative thought and practical solutions. The goal of our bee research at the University of Minnesota is to promote the health of bee pollinators.
American Association of Professional Apiculturists (AAPA) – An organization consisting of professors, state apiarists, scientists and students who all study and work with honey bees (Apis mellifera).
American Bee Journal – The American Bee Journal was established in 1861 by Samuel Wagner and has been published continuously since that time, except for a brief period during the Civil War. The Journal has the honor of being the oldest English language beekeeping publication in the world.
American Beekeeping Federation – The American Beekeeping Federation (ABF) will act on behalf of the beekeeping industry on issues affecting the interests and the economic viability of the various sectors of the industry.
American Honey Producers Association (AHPA) - Organization dedicated to promoting the common interest and general welfare of the American Honey Producer. Current industry news, membership information, convention schedules, and contact information.
Animal Diversity Web: Apis mellifera – Animal Diversity Web (ADW) is an online database of animal natural history, distribution, classification, and conservation biology at the University of Michigan. This page includes detailed information on honeybees.
Apiary Inspectors of America (AIA) - Beekeeping laws and regulations. Inspection services.
Bee Informed – The Bee Informed Partnership is a collaboration of efforts across the country from some of the leading research labs and universities in agriculture and science to better understand honey bee declines in the United States. Supported by the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Beekeeping Calendar: https://pollinator.cals.cornell.edu/sites/pollinator.cals.cornell.edu/files/shared/documents/Beekeeping%20Calendar%20for%20the%20Northeast.pdf
Beekeeping Therapy for Seniors and Veterans: A summary of the possible benefits of beekeeping to seniors and veterans and a list of available programs.
Bee Source – The Bee Source Beekeeping website was started in 1997 by a hobbyist beekeeper and became an online community in 1999. Today, Beesource.com has over 14,000 registered members and is the most active online beekeeping community of its kind in the world.
eXtension: Bee Health – eXtension is an interactive learning environment delivering the best, most researched knowledge from the best land-grant university minds across America. eXtension connects knowledge consumers with knowledge providers.
Garden Web Beekeeping Forum – GardenWeb is the Internet's largest home and garden community. This forum is for the discussion of bees and their roles as pollinators and honey producers.
Heartland Apicultural Society – Heartland Apicultural Society was founded in 2001 by Tom Webster (Researcher, Kentucky State University) Greg Hunt (Entomology, Purdue University), and Zachary Huang (Entomology, Michigan State University).
Honey Bee Health Coalition (HBHC) - Amazing resource for Varroa management, foulbrood management, and beekeeping best practice guidelines. "Agricultural stakeholders working together to improve bee health."
Honey Bee Suite – The word “suite” often refers to a collection of closely related items: a series of rooms, a set of orchestral pieces, or a collection of software. This suite will center on bees, mostly – but not exclusively – honey bees, and the issues that are currently affecting their survival.
Honey Extracting Services – offered by club member Nola Klink.
Honey Bee Veterinary Consortium (HBVC) - Place to find a bee vet. Resources for veterinarians interested in working with bees.
Local Honey – Michigan Beekeepers Association offers a clickable "Honey Finder" map here.
Matthaei Botanical Gardens – Matthaei Botanical Gardens is located in northeast Ann Arbor at 1800 N. Dixboro Road, Ann Arbor MI 48105. Here you’ll find the conservatory; gift shop; classroom and meeting spaces; display gardens; and many trails and natural areas. The Botanical Gardens are free and open 7 days a week.
Michigan Beekeepers Association – The oldest continually operating honey bee organization in the country, started in 1865. Our missions are to promote the honey bees to the general public, to help one another in maintaining healthy honey bees, and to encourage more research on honey bees.
Michigan Honey Festival – Our purpose as a nonprofit organization will be to educate the public about the role that the honeybee plays in our own existence. This is achieved through programs made available to the public with emphasis on educational programs starting at the elementary level and working with seminars, hands on demonstrations, through electronic media & a yearly Honey Festival.
Michigan Pollinator Initiative – The Michigan Pollinator Initiative (MPI) addresses current and future issues related to bees, other pollinators, and pollination in Michigan. Its mission is to develop a coordinated research, education, extension, and policy driven effort to address priority issues related to pollinators and pollination. The MPI works in pursuit of research-based solutions for beekeepers, growers, land managers, and policy makers to promote economic vitality and ecological stability.
Michigan Pollinator Initiative: Michigan Beekeeping Rules and Regulations – Before keeping bees it is important to know all the rules and regulations so that your apiary can run smoothly and the health of your bees and your neighbors are protected. This article outlines rules, regulations, and recommendations for keeping bees in Michigan, updated for 2016. Please check regulations often, as many are updated every year.
New York Bee Wellness – We are an educational organization whose mission is to educate new, beginning, and small scale beekeepers and others interested in honeybees and beekeeping, in honey bee disease recognition, and to provide services and information for beekeepers and the general public on maintaining healthy honey bee colonies in New York and the surrounding region.
Northern Bee Network – An organization designed to support beekeepers in the northern states by promoting collaboration between beekeepers and by providing resources for more sustainable beekeeping.
Ohio State University Bee Lab – A research and education facility on the OARDC campus in Wooster. Our program is dedicated to bee research and outreach on topics related to honey bees and wild bees. Features free monthly webinars on various bee-related topics.
Ontario Beekeepers Association – We work to ensure a thriving and sustainable beekeeping industry in Ontario. To this end, we advocate for beekeepers’ interests, support honey bee health research and deliver practical training and information.
Pollinator Partnership – The Pollinator Partnership is the largest organization in the world dedicated exclusively to the protection and promotion of pollinators and their ecosystems.
Project Apis M – Project Apis M’s mission is to fund and direct research to enhance the health and vitality of honey bee colonies while improving crop production.
Southeast Michigan Beekeepers Association – SEMBA's mission is to help disseminate the latest information and improved methods of beekeeping; to promote fellowship and cooperation among beekeepers; to cultivate a friendly relationship between honey producers and consumers; and to assist, whenever possible, the Michigan Beekeepers' Association, the Michigan Department of Agriculture, the Michigan State University Department of Entomology, and other local, state and national beekeeping organizations.
Swarm Removal – Michigan Beekeepers Association offers a clickable map of individuals offering swarm removal services here.
True Source Honey – True Source Honey, LLC is an effort by a number of honey companies and importers to call attention to the problem of illegally sourced honey; to encourage action to protect consumers and customers from these practices; and to highlight and support legal, transparent and ethical sourcing.
University of Minnesota Bee Lab – Bees fascinate and inspire. Bee research fosters creative thought and practical solutions. The goal of our bee research at the University of Minnesota is to promote the health of bee pollinators.