Topic: Managing Your Apiary for Overwintering SuccessThe main presentation starts at 7 pm, but feel free to sign in starting at 6:30 pm for a beginners Q&A session. See our Facebook page or join via the Zoom link above. NOTE: Please post questions/comments in the Zoom chat. Facebook is not monitored during our educational meetings. ![]() Speaker: Dr. Christina M. Wahl, Associate Professor (retired) Wells College, and Courtesy Assistant Professor (retired), Department of Biomedical Sciences, Cornell University. A fourth-generation beekeeper from upstate New York who grew up working in her family’s commercial beekeeping business, the Thousand Islands Apiaries, Professor Wahl is a physiologist and developmental biologist with technical expertise in microscopic surgery, microscopic anatomy, and histology. She has 30 years of research experience, much of it supported by the National Institutes of Health. She has taught at Cornell University, in Ithaca, NY, and at Wells College, in Aurora, NY. Dr. Wahl has been a volunteer instructor for the NY Bee Wellness program, and has both taught and mentored beginning beekeepers in the Finger Lakes region. She has designed and co-taught workshops on queen rearing. She developed the educational exhibit on honeybees and pollinators at the New York State Fair. She is the editor of the book “Morphometrics” published by InTech. She has authored several book chapters and many original peer-reviewed research papers and has been a member of several professional science organizations. Professor Wahl also collaborated with Senior Extension Associate Emma K. Walters (Mullen) at Cornell University on a study entitled “Number and distribution of multiple foundress mites Varroa destructor in northern New York drone brood combs during spring and fall.” She is actively engaged in efforts to better understand and prevent health problems of the honeybee. Please join us - our monthly meetings are always free and open to the public!
Please join us - our monthly meetings are always free and open to the public!
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February 2024